"The Eviction" #3: Welcome To The Gloam

Описание к видео "The Eviction" #3: Welcome To The Gloam

Despite his "problematic" forms of eccentric behavior, elder patriarch of the landlord's family Elias Bomar rides out with a Powder River County deputy to give evicted tenant Todd the final boot off the property.
More than a "boot" if it came to it. Because if not in specifics, Elias suspects enough of Todd's true nature to prepare him for the truth: not human. Not paranormal either but of a supra-normal nature. An incredibly long-lived, deadly life form revered in past cultures as god, trickster spirit and ferocious demon.
One that insisted on defying the eviction order for some veiled purpose.
Cagn was powerful, deadly ... and worse, evolved a twisted sense of humor mixed with haughty disdain for the pathetic humans around him. Eagerly, brutally killing that which amused seconds before with slightest shift of volitile moods.
Not an easy perp to take into custody.
Worse, they are all shifted ... transported ... into a nightmarish analog of the Bomar family farm and shadowed landscape around it. A land of dusty dirt skirts around long-abandoned buildings. Ashen, oily skies of bloated Moon, large black patches devoid of any stars yet still faintly illuminating what at first looked like a blasted post-nuke wasteland but was instead (beyond the ghost town buildings) filled with fantastic analogs of familiar life but all variations of dread or horror.


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