Throwing Up Stomach Acid - Causes, Preventions, and Treatments

Описание к видео Throwing Up Stomach Acid - Causes, Preventions, and Treatments

While you are throwing up stomach acid, you will get that the vomit. It has a bright yellow or dark green color. When the vomiting of stomach acid undergoes especially after eating, the bile is vomited.

The first cause of throwing up stomach acid is no food in the stomach. When your stomach is empty, you will suffer some pains, including the vomiting of stomach acid. You need to keep your body hydrated when you feel nauseous and start vomiting. While you are experiencing the vomiting, you should see the doctor and consult your problem.

The other cause of throwing up stomach acid is the reflux of acid. This condition happens because there is the excess bile in stomach. The bile will force out by vomiting. The excessive food poisoning and spicy foods can cause the vomiting. It will stop until there is no vomit in the stomach.

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