Small Pedalboard Build - Rockboard Duo 2.1 ABS case, HX Stomp, TC Harmony G-XT, Morningstar MC6 (P2)

Описание к видео Small Pedalboard Build - Rockboard Duo 2.1 ABS case, HX Stomp, TC Harmony G-XT, Morningstar MC6 (P2)

This is Part 2 of the small pedalboard I made.

Feel free to ask any questions in the comment section down below. 🙂

Part 1:
   • Small Pedalboard Build - Rockboard Du...  

Part 3:
   • Small Pedalboard Build - Rockboard Du...  

#line6helix #hxstomp #morningstar #midi #loopypro #rockboard


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