Hojjat's conflict with Nemat and Nemat's request to return Fatima to the city.

Описание к видео Hojjat's conflict with Nemat and Nemat's request to return Fatima to the city.

Hello, please stay with us until the end of the video. In this video, Nemat came to Deora's family to apologize to Fatima.
With great efforts, she could not bring Fatima back to the city with her.
Nemat was upset with Fatima for disrespecting her family, but she could not bear this distance because of their twins.When Hojjat entered the house, he threatened Nemat and threw her out of the house.Nemat is building a house for herself in the city.Please support Nemat, he will make Hussain's future well #deoora.

#giving birth #puppy #Dog giving birth #Dog

#NatureConnection #HandmadeBread

#Flavorful Cheeses #LocallySourced

#GastronomicAdventure #SimplePleasures

#NomadicLifestyle #SharedMeal

#UnforgettableExperience #IranianNomads

#MountainRetreat #TraditionalFood #RusticSpread

#SereneAmbiance #Storytelling


rice#twin #Nemat #fatima #soraya #jeni #Hoosin #NomadicLife #Familyties #nomadicreunion #IntenseDrama #peren #taraz #doora #chendar #farewell #oghab #Dria #chaver #deoora #plerd #MountainHome #nomadic #deora #ROD #perk #daral #chavil #homeless #homelessness #displaced #nomadicromance #nomads #grandma #tragicincident #deoora-Ly7hs #Nemat #fatima #jeni #soraya#Hoosin #deoora-Ly7hs #fertility #Baby #River #becoming #father #twins#tow woman #peren #fishing


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