Lego Medieval War | The Black Falcons Campaign | Lego Stop Motion (Completed)

Описание к видео Lego Medieval War | The Black Falcons Campaign | Lego Stop Motion (Completed)

Hello everyone! Just so there is no confusion this is a compilation of videos from a mini-series I've made over the past year or so. The events in the video take place in chronological order and vary a bit in quality as my skillset has changed and improved over time. While the story between the two brothers is done, I may revisit this universe in the future and tackle the story from another perspective.

Brief plot summary:
-Two brothers have formed a mercenary band and have been employed by the Black Falcons to fight the Dragon Knights. After quickly and efficiently dispatching them, Lord Truemane (The king of the Black Falcons) is impressed by their ability and offers the brothers & their group an opportunity to join them. After A brief disagreement between the brothers, they both agree to join the Black Falcons.
-A few years have passed and an entourage of Black Falcons are escorting the crown and other treasures back to their stronghold. They get ambushed by a Viking raiding party and are brutally massacred. The Vikings steal the crown and Lord Truemane is alerted of this travesty by a lone soldier who managed to escape the ambush.
-We get to see that one of the brother's are now in a high position of power where he can advise the king. Truemane against the Brother's advice rallies his forces to attack the Viking party head-on. While the battle is initially at a stalemate, it shifts quickly to the Viking's favour. If it wasn't for some allies on horseback passing by, the Black Falcons would have been decimated.
-As the Black Falcons return to their castle they see that the castle has been occupied by rebels led by the other brother! After a tough siege, and poor tactical choices by Truemane, the castle is finally reclaimed and the rebels are imprisoned.
-The Brother who has become the Black Falcon General interrogated his brother to try and figure out why the kingdom has come under so much strife. The rebel brother leads the General to believe that the Lion knights have been responsible for everything. Truemane once again rallies his men, hires mercenaries, and besieges the Lion Knight's castle with some immoral tactics. The general starts to see Truemane as a cruel, power-hungry man.
-The General goes to talk to his brother and is then convinced that Truemane needs to be removed from his throne. However, their methods differ and they disagree once again. The Rebel Leader tricks his brother into freeing him so he can kill Truemane and be one step closer to taking power like he has always wanted. The two Brothers then go to the Vikings in an attempt to make peace. Unknowing to the General, his brother the rebel leader has been long plotting with the Vikings, and the remainder of the Truemane/General loyalists are killed. The General himself is almost fatally wounded.
-The General wakes up in the house of one of the Viking residents. While still in the village of his enemies, he learns that there are a few who disagree with the methods of the Rebel Leader and their Jarl. The General makes a run for it only to run into his brother. One last Final duel, one last confrontation.

Thank you For watching an reading! I'm happy you guys stuck around to see this whole series unfold


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