Why Too Much Light Causes Algae!「The best lighting time to prevent algae in a planted aquarium」ADA

Описание к видео Why Too Much Light Causes Algae!「The best lighting time to prevent algae in a planted aquarium」ADA

【What is the best lighting time to prevent algae in a planted aquarium?】

"I don't know what is the best lighting time for when I start up my aquarium.”

"I don't know when to turn on the light in during day.”

"Is it not good to turn on the light only when I want to see the tank?”

These are some of the questions and concerns you may have.

The video explains in detail about the best lighting time to prevent algae from appearing as much as possible and to keep aquarium plants growing well.

【I'm sure you'll find it useful. List of videos related to this content】

Some of these videos are Japanese version,but we will translate in the future.

●How to Make Red Water Plants Redder
   • 【決定版】これを見れば赤色水草は真っ赤になる!!赤系有茎草を赤くする方法 ...  

●The basics of algae control (1) "First of all, let's learn why algae appears.
   • 水草水槽のコケ対策 基本①「まずはコケが出る原因を知ろう」~How to ...  

●Which are actually better, Amano shrimps or freshwater shrimps?
   • 水草水槽へ入れるのはどっち?ヤマトヌマエビVSミナミヌマエビ それぞれの...  ​

●How many shrimps are required in my aquarium? (English ver)
   • How to remove and prevent algae in yo...  

●The reason why my shrimps won’t eat algae at all. (English ver)
   • Causes and solutions when the shrimp ...  

●When should I add shrimps in a very new aquarium? (English ver)
   • When can you put fish and Amano shrim...  

●Algae Prevention Basics #1: Understanding various types of algae(English ver)
   • How to prevent and get rid of algae i...  

●Algae Prevention Basics #2: How to Control and Remove Aquarium Algae
   • 水草水槽のコケ対策 基本②「まずはここを見直してみよう」~How to C...  

●Algae Prevention Basics #3: Create an algae-free enviroment (English ver)
   • How to remove algae and create a stab...  

●Algae Prevention Basics #4: How to get rid of algae with liquid fertilizer
   • 水草水槽のコケ対策 基本④「液肥でコケを消す方法」~How to Cont...  

●Algae Prevention Basics #5: How to easily destroy black beard algae (BBA) (English ver)
   • How to kill black algae 「aquarium alg...  

●Algae Prevention Basics #6: How to remove aquarium algae by using shrimp and fish (English ver)
   • How to remove and prevent algae in yo...  

●Algae Prevention Basics #7: Horned Nerite Snail (Clithon corona/diadema) in Aquariums
   • 水草水槽のコケ対策 基本⑦「水草水槽と貝(石巻貝)の相性」Clithon ...  

●Algae Prevention Basics #8: Amano/Yamato shrimp in Aquariums
   • 水草水槽のコケ対策基本⑧ 水草水槽に入れるヤマトヌマエビの最適数〜初心者の...  

●Algae Prevention Basics #9: How to easily destroy black beard algae (BBA)
   • 水草水槽のコケ対策の基本⑨黒髭(クロヒゲゴケ)を簡単に取る方法 ADAネイ...  

●Algae Prevention Basics #10: What to do when algae is growing on aquarium plants
   • アクアリウムのコケ対策基本⑩水草にコケが付いた場合の対処法 ADAネイチ...  

【The original version in Japanese is here.】

   / @aquashopwasabi7138  

For my translated videos,there will be times when the audio will be out of sync,
This is due to not needing as much time to explain things in English
It will sound off and I am sorry.

【Replies for the comments】

WASABI aquarium channel has been growing more and more thanks to everyone, along with a lot of comments on the daily.

Currently, it is not easy for us to reply to every comment timewise, hope you understand.

However, we are reading all the comments, and will be uploading some Q&A videos in the future for some of the most commonly-asked question.



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