Lakshmi Narasimha Deity Installation

Описание к видео Lakshmi Narasimha Deity Installation

The installation ceremony began at 4:30pm on May 2015 with sankalpa, a process to invoke the blessings of the Lord. Vishvaksena Aradhana, a puja to the commander-in-chief of Lord Vishnu’s army was performed to remove all the obstacles in performing the ceremony. This was followed by Punyahvacana, a process to purify all the paraphernalia used in the installation ceremony including one’s own body, mind and soul by invoking Varunadev in a Kalasha and sprinkling the sanctified water all around. Sacred thread was tied(Rakshabhandana) on to the wrists of the priests and yajamanas by invoking the divine serpant - Vasuki’s blessings to keep them free from contamination during the installation process. The demigods of eight directions were invoked in separate Kalashas. To symbolize prosperity and growth, a process called Ankurarpana was performed in which nine grains were sown after duly worshiping mother earth and after invoking the blessings of Somadev(the moon god), Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. Adhivasa ceremonies - Panchagavya Snana, Dhanyadhivasa, Jaladhivasa, Pushpadhivasa and Shayanadhivasa were then executed to purify the Lord's image. Shodasha Nyasa Homas were then consummated to invoke the presence of the Lord in his image.

On May 3rd, Pranapratishta Homa and Pranapratishta - the processes of giving life, eyes and other organs to the Lord’s image were performed. Netra Udgatana – a set of auspicious items such as a cow, sandalwood paste etc. was shown to the deity after the ritualistic opening of the eyes of the Lord. The Deity was then bathed with sanctified objects such as milk, curd, ghee, honey, dry fruits, nuts etc. This was followed by bathing the deities with Kalasha waters. The deity was then decorated with new garments and jewels. A grand mahamangalarati was performed to the Lakshmi Narasimha deity. The deity was then installed in the temple altar.


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