CTR Nitro Fueled - Developer Time Trial #5: Slide Coliseum (1:38:69)

Описание к видео CTR Nitro Fueled - Developer Time Trial #5: Slide Coliseum (1:38:69)

Here's another one that scared me when I saw the time, as the developer was 11 seconds ahead of me. However, both Oxide and Velo were pretty easy here, so I never really put any effort into it. After just following the ghost around the track, I quickly got a 1:41. I didn't even know you could jump over the taller tyre stacks, so I'm still learning new things. My goal had to be sub-1:40 and I made it with a good margin after a little more practice. I got 90th on the leaderboard for this run, but that was a few days ago and I'm already down to 183rd.

Tropy: 2:08:49
Oxide: 2:00:88
Velo: 1:52:64
Developer: 1:40:96
My time: 1:38:69
World record: 1:32:39


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