Beyond the OR | Dr. Brenner With Daisy White

Описание к видео Beyond the OR | Dr. Brenner With Daisy White

Dr. Kevin Brenner delves into the complexities of chronic illness in this episode of Beyond the O.R. with his guest, Daisy White, a Certified Natural Health Specialist. Daisy challenges us to explore the root causes of diseases and shares her own health journey, which has fueled her commitment to aiding others in managing multifaceted conditions like Lyme Disease, Long Covid, and Breast Implant Illness. With her expertise and empathy, Daisy’s practice focuses on fostering health and resilience using tools she initially developed for her own wellness.

In this episode, Daisy illuminates the path to reclaiming health through alternative practices and holistic approaches that transform family systems. She discusses the myriad variables affecting long-term individual wellness and societal health, emphasizing that many afflictions go undiagnosed or are dismissed. A significant issue, she notes, is the constellation of symptoms that are difficult to trace back to a single source of inflammation. For instance, she points out, “A lot of people have breast implants that are making them sick and they really don’t know why they don’t feel good.” Dr. B. and co-host Elizabeth Morales are all too familiar with such stories.

If you’ve struggled with diagnosing or treating chronic illnesses, including considering surgical breast implant removal, Daisy’s insights will resonate deeply.

To reach Dr. B, schedule an appointment or call his office at 310-777-5400 to discuss any cosmetic, reconstructive, or related concerns you might have.


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