Sniper rundown - SR 338 Review - Battlefield 4 !

Описание к видео Sniper rundown - SR 338 Review - Battlefield 4 !

Hello ladies and gentlemen,and welcome to killstreak gaming chanel,as part of our subscriber's request in this Sniper Rundown we will be talking about the SR 338 from the Naval Strike DLC,
and you will get your hands on it as you complete the assignment called Always Deadly.
First off you need 3 sniper rifle ribbons,and for each ribbon you need 6 kills in a round,so basicly if you can pull off 18 sniper kills in a round this part of the assignment is complete.
Second part of the assignment is to get 5 c4 kills on naval strike maps,nothing too hard.

When you are playing as a recon ,you are relying on your precision ,you have to feel confident while using your weapon.The SR 338 just cant provide you with that.
We definitely sugest you to try this weapon,but if you are playing competitively and seriously,stay away from this one,and go for an bolt action sniper rifle or a DMR.
This weapon should definitely get some updates in a future patch, like a faster rate of fire or even slightly bigger damage,to make it more usefull and competitive.
Let me know in the comment section of the video which sniper or any other weapon would you like for me to review next,
We used the weapon statistics from the,a great site,you can also compare all weapons available in Battlefield 4,as well as the attachement and how they impact the weapon statistics.
Thank you for watching,hope you enjoied this video,make sure you watch it in 1080p quality.
,more videos from battlefield and many other games are coming soon,make sure you check out our other weapons rewievs,and of course subscribe if you like our videos.
leave your feedback and opinions of sr 338 and battlefield 4 in general,I will check your comments and be happy to answer them.
This is Killstreak Gaming and see you next time.

Song used : Warrior Strife-Jingle Punks downloaded from the YouTube Audio Library.


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