Greenfolding of Thin Concrete Shell Structures

Описание к видео Greenfolding of Thin Concrete Shell Structures

"This video shows the optimized manufacturing process of thin folded textile-reinforced concrete shell structures. Concrete and textile are laminated into the formwork, which allows a mulitlayer reinforcement and the position of the textile can easily be guaranted. The concrete is shaped while in the fresh state, so it hardens in its final form and is truly monolitic. The method is simple and efficient.
Furthermore a connection method to join mulitple segments to one larger structure was tested and is shown after the manufacturing process."

This is part of the Open Educational Resources Initiative by the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the RWTH Aachen University.

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This video and intro are licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 International BY the Faculty of Civil Engineering RWTH Aachen University.

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"Global OER Logo“ CC BY 3.0 Jonathas Mello .

"Awakening" Public Domain by Silent Partner.


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