The Prayer to Guru Rinpoche to remove obstacle and wishfulling

Описание к видео The Prayer to Guru Rinpoche to remove obstacle and wishfulling

May all be blessed and enlightened
sum sangyé guru rinpoché
Guru Rinpoche, the Buddha of past, present and future,
ngödrup kun dak déwa chenpö shyap
'Dewa Chenpo'—Guru of Great Bliss—the source of all siddhis,
barché kun sel düd dul drakpo tsal
'Düd Dul Drakpo Tsal'—Wrathful One that Subdues Negativity—who removes all obstacles,
solwa depso chingyi lap tu sol
Grant your blessings, we pray!
chi nang sangwé barché shyiwa dang
Through them, may all obstacles—outer, inner and secret—
sampa lhun gyi druppar chin gyi lop
Be quelled, and may all our aspirations be fulfilled.
Discovered by the great terma-revealer Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, from the right hand side of the Sengchen Namdrak rock on Mount Rinchen Tsekpa, 'The Pile of Jewels'. Because the blessing of this prayer, one intended for this present time, is so immense, it should be treasured by all as their daily practice


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