Pokémon Sun and Moon: "Battle! VS Gym Leader!" (Fan-Made)

Описание к видео Pokémon Sun and Moon: "Battle! VS Gym Leader!" (Fan-Made)

EDIT: Since people keep saying it, this piece was composed and posted before any announcements relating to the absence of gym leaders were made.

So, I saw that the last time that I had uploaded something to YouTube was 5 months ago... so I decided to compose this theme. It took about 4 hours in total, but took a really, really long time in terms of the planning of the theme. But yeah, I like how it turned out for 4 hours of work, haha. Also, yes, I'm aware that this isn't very Pokemon-ish, but I mean... none of my stuff really is. XD

So, I haven't been slacking off. I've been composing, but mostly string quartets, quintets, and piano pieces. I've also been studying other music theory related things. I've recently come to really like chromatic harmony, the whole tone scale, quartal harmony, and very "Liszt-ian" things. For those of you who don't know who Franz Liszt is, he is a Romantic-era composer. I would say more than that, but then this description would be massive. lol So, I'd recommend checking out his stuff, especially his etudes (the 3 concert ones and the Transcendental ones) and later works. But yeah, his experimentation of harmony really intrigued me, so I've been studying his stuff recently. lol

But yeah, I hope you guys enjoy this.


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