Pratfall Effect: Turn your Weaknesses into Strengths

Описание к видео Pratfall Effect: Turn your Weaknesses into Strengths

The pratfall effect states that humans like humans who act like humans. The translation is that humans like imperfections.

The pratfall effect is a major change in paradigm when it comes to dealing with people.

You go from communicating with your brain to communicating with your heart.

The brain sees life through a dualistic fashion. There is right or wrong. Bad or good.

But the heart sees the situation for what it is.

When you can leverage the pratfall effect in your communication, you level up your authenticity & minimize coming off like a robot.

🧠Level Up Mentality:
🎤Speaking Wizard:
👑 Charisma King:
✍️ Prolific Writer:

– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥


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