Ranking All 16 M. Night Shyamalan Films - Worst to Best (w/ Trap)

Описание к видео Ranking All 16 M. Night Shyamalan Films - Worst to Best (w/ Trap)

Is M. Night Shyamalan the most OVERHATED, UNDERRATED Director ever? Join me as I Rank EVERY Film of his and find out! Drinking game - take a shot (or sip if you don't want to die) every time I say faith.
Mr. Kraken Letterboxd - https://boxd.it/7kaXr
00:00 - Overhated?
01:47 - 16 - Last Airbender
03:01 - 15 - After Earth
04:06 - 14 - Lady in the Water
05:53 - 13 - Praying with Anger
06:43 - 12 - Glass
07:22 - 12 - Glass (Spoilers)
08:34 - 11 - Unbreakable
09:20 - 10 - Wide Awake
10:50 - 9 - The Village
12:55 - 8 - Split
13:43 - 7 - Knock at the Cabin
15:56 - 6 - Trap
17:19 - 5 - The Sixth Sense
18:40 - 4 - The Happening
20:27 - 3 - The Visit
22:21 - 2 - Old
24:33 - 1 - Signs

Ranking & Reviewing EVERY M. Night Shyamalan Movie - ALL 16 Films - Worst to Best
#mnightshyamalan #mnightshyamalanmovies #prayingwithanger #wideawake #thesixthsense #signs #unbreakable #thelastairbender #avatarthelastairbender #avatarthelastairbenderfilm #lastairbender #afterearth #ladyinthewater #glass #glassfilm #thevillage #split #knockatthecabin #thevisit #old #beachthatmakesyouold #trap #trapmovie #trapmoviereview #mnight #shyamalan #ranking #rankings #rankingvideos


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