VB6 - Make it look and work awesome! (2016)

Описание к видео VB6 - Make it look and work awesome! (2016)

Make VB6 applications look, feel and work state-of-the-art.

VB6 is old. 18 years old when this video was made. And it still works, even with Windows 10. But does it? No one would want to build an application that looks like it was made in 1998. And no one wants to build an application for every resolution separately. But VB6 is still good. So we keep working for it!

With the following code, your form controls will automatically resize with the forms and look awesome. Also, it is responsive to resolution changes.

To use the source code:
Visit the manifest creator page for instructions on theming.

For the automatic resizing:
Add the module ScalingModule (Module2) to your project.

Then declare in each form:
Private InitialControlList() As ControlInitial

Then insert the following code in all forms to be resized:

Private Sub Form_Load()
InitialControlList = GetLocation(Me)
ReSizePosForm Me, Me.height, Me.width, Me.Left, Me.Top
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
ResizeControls Me, InitialControlList
End Sub

Play around with the sample project for more! You may need to add a few components/references for it to work. The exe should probably work out of the box (But I can't assure it).


I modified the inefficient code for resizing form and controls found here:

The manifest creator for better looks:
(See #79 on page 2 for better code)

A TON of interfaces to make VB6 look better:

Taskbar Progressbar Animation:

Source Codes:
Follow the project here:http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.ph...)

Please credit me and the others above!


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