6-Route 66 Oklahoma Part 1

Описание к видео 6-Route 66 Oklahoma Part 1

Welcome to Oklahoma!!
First we check out a super-cool old Conoco gas station.
Across the street is the Dairy King...
The Dairy King is set up in a former Marathon gas station and it's open for business.
Just not for gas... for food!!
It's really cool and the owner is a hoot.
Then do a little drive through Miami, OK,
After Miami we hit the "ribbon highway."
It's called the "ribbon highway" because it's like a little piece of ribbon - it's only 9-feet wide.
Then we come across another Will Rogers Highway Marker.
After that the Historic Pryor Creek Bridge.
The abandoned Chelsea Motel...
The Foyil Filling Station...
And finally - the Blue Whale of Catoosa...

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