What's the fix for failed Root Canal Treatment? - Dr. Sangeeta Honnur

Описание к видео What's the fix for failed Root Canal Treatment? - Dr. Sangeeta Honnur

The best chances of having a successful root canal is the first time around. If in the first time all the steps are carried out systematically then we all can have a successful root canal done. It’s not going to be as simple as the first time as the tooth is new and you open up the tooth and you have done the access, the irrigation and the filing. You do have to see the x-rays and the damage to the tooth and we decide what can be done to save the tooth. if the x-ray shows more of a short or less of an inflammation that can be done, then a re-RCT van be done then successfully, that is the number one thing that you will do for a failed RCT. How easy that is going to be is questionable. If everything is straightforward and you are able to access the canals well, the definitely a re-RCT. If there is a lot of periapical damage then we have to decide if there has to be an apicocectomy. Apicocectomy is nothing but we are making sure that the tooth which can be filled form the top, but at the same time if the bone area is destroyed, then we have to go from the tip of the root to complete the filing so the bone can recover and heal well. But either before you start this if there are any vertical cracks or any cracks in the vertical plane, if the tooth is super compromised, then that is the call that you have to take. That is the call that you have to take when extracting the tooth is better option because the longer you wait, there is more of bone damage, a bone damage, the more damage it is going to cause and eventually when you have to pull the tooth out, having to pull the tooth out especially in an endodontic treated tooth area for the bone which is compromised, it takes a long time to heal and recover and an implant has to be placed. Along with that if you are letting the bone to get infected, you are compromising the adjacent teeth along with that. So first you have to see if the tooth can be saved by a re-RCT or re-RCT followed by apicectomy or reimplnantation can be done, though the success rate is quite less, where the tooth is pulled out and RCT done and reimplanted, followed by implants if none of this works.


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