Epic Lego WW2 stop motion Normandy D Day landing - full movie

Описание к видео Epic Lego WW2 stop motion Normandy D Day landing - full movie

Normandy landing 75 year anniversary! Lego ww2 D-Day stop motion
Band of Brothers all parts together

Lego ww2 stop motion based on Band of Brothers TV show.
ww2 battle at Brecourt Manor (D-Day landing, Normandy)

The Brécourt Manor Assault (6 June 1944) during the U.S. parachute assault of the Normandy Invasion of World War II is often cited as a classic example of small-unit tactics and leadership in overcoming a larger enemy force.

Purple Heart were awarded to:
Private (later Sergeant) Robert "Popeye" Wynn (WIA)
Private First Class John D. Halls (KIA)
Sergeant Julius "Rusty" Houck (KIA)

Hero's Theme by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
Source: http://www.twinmusicom.org/song/280/h...
Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/


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