Solar Fake - Not so Important - Official Music Video

Описание к видео Solar Fake - Not so Important - Official Music Video

From the upcoming album "DON'T push this button!" (
© 2024 Pointless Music
Music written, performed, produced, recorded, mixed and mastered by Sven Friedrich at Rosa Falke Studio. | |

Dogs: Phoebe, Frida and Paula & Joe
Bunnies: Molly, Elijah
Cats: Anuk, Charlie, Emil, Cailín, Nepomuk, Simon, Leonie
Humans: Sven, Brigitte

Idea, script, editing: JK
Production, DOP, Postpro: Sven Friedrich

All four-legged stars have volunteered in performing in this video. Any physical harm had been inflicted on them before they came to us. We’ve chosen to adopt the dogs and bunnies, the cats have chosen us. We support rescuing pets, and we despise methods like tail docking or breeding of defects, but not the pets suffering from it, who all deserve to live their happiest lives.

(Alle vierbeinigen Stars in diesem Video haben freiwillig mitgewirkt. Jegliche körperliche Versehrtheit wurde ihnen zugefügt, bevor sie zu uns kamen. Die Hunde und Kaninchen haben wir adoptiert und die Katzen uns. Wir unterstützen den Tierschutz und lehnen Methoden wie das Kupieren der Rute sowie Qualzucht ab, nicht jedoch die davon betroffenen Tiere, die alle ein glückliches Leben verdienen.)

I say it was luck
And then you say they’re corrupt
I guess it’s not so important
I think we’re just spoilt
Always feeling annoyed
I guess it’s not so important

You thought they were drunk
I say that everyone’s junk
I guess it’s not so important
Perhaps I’m just mean
Those people sober and clean
But it seems not so important

Nothing better to do
They feel like one of the few
I guess they’re not so important
You know you are screwed
Tear up all bills overdue
All this is not so important

For sure the wall comes crashing down
When I hide behind it
I choke on words and face my fears in vain
And everything that’s still undone
I will leave it to you
I just don’t think hope’s killing me again

You say everyone ducks
Then I say everyone sucks
I guess it’s not so important
And all they confess
They never cleaned up their mess
I guess it’s not so important

Bend the truth till it cracks
Confuse opinion with facts
They think that’s not so important
But I can’t hear this no more
I feel so tired and sore
But well, they’re not so important

For sure the wall comes crashing down
When I hide behind it
I choke on words and face my fears in vain
And everything that’s still undone
I will leave it to you
I just don’t think hope’s killing me again

I’m not so important, you’re not so important
They’re not so important, we’re not so important

For sure the wall comes crashing down
When I hide behind it
I choke on words and face my fears in vain
And everything that’s still undone
I will leave it to you
I just don’t think hope’s killing me again

Lyrics by Sven Friedrich


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