What kind of health problems do children with Autism have? - Ms. Anupama Maruvada

Описание к видео What kind of health problems do children with Autism have? - Ms. Anupama Maruvada

Children with autism usually have health problems like seizure which occur in 39 % of people with autism. More common in children who also have cognitive deficits. Small number of children with autism also have a neuro-genetic condition such as fragile X syndrome, angelman syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, chromosome 15 duplication syndrome or other chromosomal disorders. About 46 to 85% of children with autism have problems such a s chronic constipation or diarrhoea. Gastrointestinal problems are common in these children and sleep problems are common in children and adolescents with autism. Many children with autism have unusual responses to senses i.e. sensory integration disorder like sight, sound, touch, smell or movements. In some children with autism we notice a condition called pica where they have a tendency to eat items that are inedible.


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