Наутилус Помпилиус - Князь тишины [video] Nautilus Pompilius - Lord of silence

Описание к видео Наутилус Помпилиус - Князь тишины [video] Nautilus Pompilius - Lord of silence

Видео материал: Фильм «ЗАМЫСЕЛ» (2019) | Киностудия «Донфильм»
Новое видео: Наутилус Помпилиус - Матерь богов (ft. Deadушки intro)

 Song lyrics translation:
"Lord of Silence"

I'm wandering through the moonlit world and whistling,
But we never should turn around and look back.
He walks, he walks, he follows my steps,
He is sixty feet tall, he's the kindest lord,
Lord of silence,
The kindest lord, lord of silence.
My lord, lord of silence.

The woe is to me, if I fell into silent spell
Or if I stared at the face of the Moon.
Groan, cracks - I am crushed,
Groan, cracks - I'd be crushed in a blink
By the kindest lord,
The kindest lord, lord of silence.
My lord, lord of silence.


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