JoeDan54 Reacts! SEASON 4 FINALE - The Incomprehensible, The Despicable, & The Shrek - S4E30

Описание к видео JoeDan54 Reacts! SEASON 4 FINALE - The Incomprehensible, The Despicable, & The Shrek - S4E30

Here it is! After several late nights of editing, lots of lost patience, and one hell of a stressload, the finale has arrived just in time! Gotta say... I'm exhausted. The future looks bright!
Big thanks to SuperDynamicGaming and Bruins98 for being in the video!
SuperDynamicGaming's channel ►    / @superdynamicgaming  

As for the videos featured:
YTP: The Hobbit - An Incomprehensible Journey is by TheMarklar01, a legend in recent YTP years for his excellent use of rhythmic YTPMVs and sentence mixing. Definitely go check him out here! ►    / themarklar01  
The original YTP can be viewed here ►    • YTP: The Hobbit - An incomprehensible...  
YTP Collab: The Shrekoning is one hell of an awesome megacollab! SO many YTPers participated, and the result was Shrektacular! While I won't be reacting to any EmpLemon videos in Season 5, this was a great last EmpLemon video for Season 4! Check out all the participants here:
AModestProposal    / @reddline198x  
b3afy    / @b3afy505  
BagelBoy    / derpdino  
Brutal Thread    / brutalthreadgaming  
Coyote Neutral    / experiencepointshow  
CW YTP    / @chwo6789  
Dankal4    / @dankal4  
Dmanfan100    / dmanfan100  
EmpLemon    / emperorlemon  
Funnymoney101    / @funnymoney101  
GarketMardener    / garketmardener  
Geozon    / Канал  
Goop Videos    / thegoopvideos  
GSgiraffes    / giantgiraffepickels  
Gyrohullu    / 0gyrohullu0  
Jack Duripper    / @jackduripper  
Jolo    / @jolo8224  
KawaiiKing64    / supersonicfan9000  
Lazza Laydon    / @overlordofdarkness95  
Lineofyellow5    / @lineofyellow5208  
Malicatofsvartalfheim    / icecubegarynumanfan  
NPCarlsson    / @npcarlsson  
PhoenixKingSokka    / pheonixkingsokka  
Pie Pivotmontier-O    / @piepivotmontiero  
Pthooie    / pthooie  
Redberd36    / @redberd36  
Reiden Lightman    / rifalltoo  
Schaffrillas Productions    / @schaffrillasproductions  
Skidwad Tennisballs    / @skidwadtennisballs  
SuperDirectorGuy    / superdirectorguy  
SwagPikachu 693    / @swagpikachu693  
TheCanadianPooper    / @thecanadianpooper  
TheFreshPrinceOfDalaams    / @thefreshprinceofdalaam2427  
TheZapingNinja Infinity    / @zackthelightningninja  
ThirtyTwelve    / ekremsytppalace  
ToadySP    / @toadysp  
TrailerPoopers    / trailerpoopers  
Unjustlocket    / games7494  
Urpoliitikko    / urpoliitikko1  
VastareMetal    / vastaremetal  
VC    / vorecannibal  
The original megacollab can be viewed here!    • Видео  

The HOoOH [SpongeBob YTP] is a hit YTP by Epta Psyches. Check it out here! ►    • Видео  
And show Epta Psyches some love! ►    / @eptapsyches  

Despicable Meme 2 is a masterful sequel to Despicable Meme 1, just as I'd expect from Goop Videos. Check out Goop Videos here ►    / thegoopvideos  
And don't forget to watch the original video! ►    • YouTube Poop: Despicable Meme 2- Gru'...  

Don’t forget to subscribe, leave comments, and like (even on videos with ratings hidden)! But most importantly, enjoy!!!

Subscribe to my second channel! ►    / @yrcmashups5448  
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