POTA on the cheap. How much does money does it really take to get on the air?

Описание к видео POTA on the cheap. How much does money does it really take to get on the air?

Let's talk about what is probably the biggest barrier to entry in portable ops (POTA, SOTA, etc)......COST! HF stuff is expensive. A quality QRP all mode rig can cost upwards of $1500 to $2000. CW only QRP radios can be had much cheaper, but even then, they're not inexpensive and you NEED to know Morse code to use one. In this video I go through my idea of a budget setup. This is literally everything you need to get on the air be it SSB, CW, or digital (minus a computer or other device for digital). Is this an optimum setup? Nope. Will it get the job done? Yep. I've made SSB contacts as far as the Dominican Republic with this exact setup, and CW as contacts as far as Spain. If you want to get your foot in the door without breaking the bank, this just might be the ticket. Thanks for watching and 73!

(tr)uSDX: https://dl2man.de/where-to-buy-trusdx/
Battery: https://amz.run/6mS9
Speaker: https://amz.run/6mSA
Coax: https://amz.run/6mSB
BNC Binding Post: https://amz.run/6mSC
Wire: https://amz.run/6mSD
12V Cable: https://amz.run/6mSE
Adapter: https://amz.run/6mSF
CW Keys: https://cwmorse.us/
Digirig: https://tinyurl.com/4vfn9mvp



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