Thursdays with NAMI: What Is Psychopathy? – 7 p.m. December 16, 2021

Описание к видео Thursdays with NAMI: What Is Psychopathy? – 7 p.m. December 16, 2021

Psychopathy is a mental disorder that affects 1% of the population. It is characterized by personality traits that include reduced empathy and remorse, a bold and daring personality, and difficulty controlling behavior.

Because they cannot feel guilt or remorse, it’s easier to fall into behaviors that are considered antisocial. People with psychopathy may deceive, manipulate, threaten, steal from, or physically harm others. At the same time, they may seem outwardly friendly and well adjusted.

One mother described her feelings while raising a teenager with the condition:

• Verbally attacked – by my child, sometimes in front of other people

• Tearful, confused, flustered, and anxious

• Afraid, sad, and angry (in that order)

• Misunderstood by people who hadn’t experienced a child like mine

• Shamed (by my child) and ashamed (of my child)

• Blamed by others

• Alone

Fortunately, psychopathy is treatable, and support is available for both peers and loved ones. Join us for a conversation about this difficult brain disease. Psychologist/neuroscientist Dr. Abigail Marsh is a professor at Georgetown University and the author of The Fear Factor: How One Emotion Connects Altruists, Psychopaths, and Everyone In-Between. Lisa Michael got involved with the Psychopathy community due to her extensive experience with family members who have the disorder. She is a physics teacher at Summit Denali High School in California. Together they formed an organization called Psychopathy Is to educate the public and offer support.


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