IPA Diacritics for Accents part 2: Basic Diacritics

Описание к видео IPA Diacritics for Accents part 2: Basic Diacritics

Jim Johnson of AccentHelp.com explains Diacritics in the IPA, in answer to a question a follower posted about what Diacritics are most helpful in describing accents. These are the Diacritics that I use all the time, for common transcriptions. The IPA is the International Phonetic Alphabet, symbols that represent various sounds, such as vowels and consonants, and Diacritics are small "tweaks" to those symbols. Before diving into Diacritics I use for describing accents, I felt the need to get into the basic diacritics I use all the time. More info in the video - and check out www.AccentHelp.com for information about learning accents!


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