A Response to Dr. Gavin Ortlund

Описание к видео A Response to Dr. Gavin Ortlund

This video is in response to Dr. Ortlund's ‪@TruthUnites‬ video: "Are Catholics Christians? Why Protestants Can Say YES." Dr. Ortlund's video can be found here:

   • Can Protestants See Catholics as Fell...  

As a former devout Roman Catholic, who was raised & educated Catholic through college & converted to being Protestant, I would respectfully & adamantly disagree with Dr. Ortlund that Catholics are Christians, based on the authority of God-breathed Scripture, which I provide examples from Scripture in this video response to back up this assertion.

I also wish to stress that I believe Dr. Ortlund IS a Christian & brother in Christ, despite disagreeing with him "gently & reverently" (1 Peter 3:15).

Also, below is the link to my response video to Dr. David Szaraz from ‪@ApocryphaApocalypse‬, (which I brought up in this video), who conceded St. Augustine of Hippo embraced 3 Esdras AS SCRIPTURE, which begins around the 21:30 in Part 1 of my video response here:



00:00 Intro
02:00 Showing Dr. Ortlund with "gentleness & reverence" (1 Peter 3:15)
02:55 "1) Justification: Catholics vs. Protestants"
05:28 The Gospel that saves
06:45 A different gospel
07:30 A different gospel = a different Jesus
08:10 "2) Would Protestants excommunicate Augustine?"
12:40 "3) Luther & Calvin affirmed Catholics are Christians"
17:55 "4) Scripture affirms Christians belong to an exclusive family"
22:40 Jesus to the Jews: "You are of your father the devil!"
23:40 Truth unites, but is also divides (Luke 12:51)
26:40 "5) Professing Christ doesn't necessarily make you a Christian"
27:30 Summary
29:55 Open invitation to Dr. Ortlund to discuss this further


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