PN junction Reverse Biasing || Reverse Biased PN junction

Описание к видео PN junction Reverse Biasing || Reverse Biased PN junction

PN Junction
Formation of depletion layer in PN junction
Junction Voltage Barrier Voltage
Effect of temperature on barrier voltage
Currents in Unbiased PN junction
Biasing the PN junction
Forward biased PN junction
Effect of Barrier potential on the forward biased PN junction
Reverse biased PN junction
Reverse Saturation current
Reverse breakdown
Depletion layer capacitance
Diffusion of storage capacitance
reverse recovery time of diode
fabrication of PN junction
Grown junction
Alloy junction
diffused junction
epitaxial junction
point contact junction
PN Junction Diode
VI characteristics of PN junction diode
Forward characteristic of diode
Reverse characteristics of diode
Diode equation current
The ideal diode
static and dynamic resistance of a diode
the real diode
comparison of Si and Ge semiconductor diodes
the diode as a circuit element
diode applications
power and current rating of a diode
peak inverse voltage
diode specification sheets
testing of diode with an ohmmeter
diode circuits with a DC voltage source
Parallel configuration of a diode circuits with DC voltage source
Special purpose Diodes
Zener diodes
Reverse characteristic of zener diode
zener diode specification
zener diode equivalent circuit
zener diode applications
tunnel diode
VI characteristics of tunnel diode
tunnel diode parameters
tunnel diode equivalent circuits
tunnel diode applications
varactor diode
varactor diode specifications
varactor diode applications
schottky diode
schottky diode applications
step recovery diode
Harmonic generator or frequency multiplier
PIN diode
PIN diode application
Light emitting Diode
LED voltage drop and current
LED applications
Multicolour LEDs
Seven segment display
dot matrix displays
Liquid crystal display
Application of LCD
Photodiode applications
Photoconductive cell
Photovoltaic cell or solar cell
Laser diode
Laser diode applications
Optical discs
Light activated SCR (LASCR)
Bipolar Junction Transistors BJT
Bipolar Junction transistor construction BJT CONSTRUCTION
Current gain of Bipolar junction transistor in common base configuration
Current gain of Bipolar junction transistor in common emitter configuration
Leakage current in a common base bipolar junction transistor
Field Effect transistor
Operation of JFET
Characteristics of JFET
Operation of JFET
Drain characteristics
Transfer characteristics
JFET parameters
Types of MOSFET
Depletion type MOSFET
Thyristors TRIAC Unijunction Transistor UJT
Rectifiers and filters
Halfwave rectifiers
Ripple factor
Regulated power supplies
Controlled rectifiers
BJT biasing
Single stage BJT amplifiers
Hybrid parameters
Multistage BJT amplifiers
Power amplifiers
Tuned amplifiers
Feedback amplifiers
Field effect transistor amplifiers
Sinusoidal amplifiers
Non sinusoidal oscillators
Wave shaping
Time base circuits
Operational Amplifiers OPAMP


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