Le mouvement nabi

Описание к видео Le mouvement nabi

Le mouvement nabi est un mouvement artistique postimpressionniste d'avant-garde, fondé par le peintre Paul Sérusier en 1888.
The members included Pierre Bonnard, Maurice Denis, Paul Ranson, Édouard Vuillard, Ker-Xavier Roussel, Félix Vallotton, Paul Sérusier and Auguste Cazalis. Most were students at the Académie Julian in Paris in the late 1880s. The artists shared a common admiration for Paul Gauguin and Paul Cézanne and a determination to renew the art of painting, but varied greatly in their individual styles. They believed that a work of art was not a depiction of nature, but a synthesis of metaphors and symbols created by the artist. In 1900, the artists held their final exhibition and went their separate ways.

Sources :

Journal de l’art moderne - Skira
Dictionnaire universel de la peinture – Le Robert
Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Jean Mineraud – Les dessous du visible


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