Aria & Ezra | Incomplete

Описание к видео Aria & Ezra | Incomplete

«When I think about how I defended you to my family and my friends... and the whole time you were... you were using me.»
«I'm sorry. I'm such an idiot.»
«I was afraid! I was afraid that you wouldn't forgive me.»
«You need to leave town. For good.»
«Aria, we can work through this...»
«I don't wanna work through this. I don't wanna run into you at the grocery or every time I grab coffee with my friends. I don't wanna see you, I don't wanna hear from you. Ever.»
«I didn't know I was going to fall in love with you.»
«It's simple. He never really loved me.»
«And for what it's worth. I was in New York to give back the publisher's advance. I thought if I pulled the plug -»
«It's too late, Ezra.»
«Well, I guess this is goodbye then.»

that hurt.
I know most people don't ship them anymore (or never shipped them in the first place) and can't understand why anyone would. I don't know if you ever stop shipping your otp?! I don't like what he did, especially that stalking part, but I'll probably always want them to work things out so. His face broke my heart anyway.
I'm so inspired by this mess? Vidding-wise, I mean.

(just look at him when he lets go of the paper fodsfho)

song: backstreet boys


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