【啦啦隊錦標賽2022/2023】兒童組(小組)L1 L2 全女 - 冠軍 Mini (Small) L1-L2 All Girl - Champion

Описание к видео 【啦啦隊錦標賽2022/2023】兒童組(小組)L1 L2 全女 - 冠軍 Mini (Small) L1-L2 All Girl - Champion


熱烈恭賀本校啦啦隊於中國香港啦啦隊總會所主辦的啦啦隊錦標賽2022/2023中表現出色,分別奪得兒童組(小組)L1-L2 全女及兒童組(大組)L1-L2 全女冠軍﹗睽違三年,這是疫情後第一個實體啦啦隊比賽,現場氣氛十分高昂。本校啦啦隊亦嚴陣以待,一氣呵成完成多個高難度動作,表現流暢自然且具節奏感,贏得全場掌聲。

我們以本校的啦啦隊為榮,除了因為啦啦隊文化在本港尚未十分盛行,較難在港欣賞到高水平的啦啦隊表演外,更因為啦啦隊的意義重大 — 為人打氣,為大家帶來歡樂。我們認為啦啦隊的訓練強調團體合作及自信,是十分優良的正向教育,有助孩子的正向發展。


【School Cheerleading Team sweeps two champions in Cheerleading Championships!】

Heartfelt congratulations to our School Cheerleading Team for winning the champions in Mini (Small) L1-L2 All Girl and Mini (Large) L1-L2 All Girl in the Cheerleading Championships 2022/2023 organised by the Cheerleading Federation of Hong Kong China with their amazing performances! It has been three years and it is the first in-person cheerleading competition since the pandemic, the competition was filled with excitement and cheers! Our School Cheerleading Team brought their A-games and finished a series of highly difficult moves in a coherent, rhythmic and smooth manner. The splendid performances earned themselves a big round of applause from all the audiences.

The School Cheerleading Team is a pride to our school, not only because of the fact that Cheerleading is not widely popular in Hong Kong yet and that it is rather difficult to enjoy a high quality cheerleading performance in Hong Kong, but also because of the meaning behind cheerleading – to cheer people and to bring joy to people. Cheerleading requires high level of teamwork cooperation and confidence, and we believe it is excellent positive education which helps the positive development of our students.

We are grateful to our parent volunteers for their support and assistance in helping our little cheerleaders to get prepared and put on make-up. Also, big thanks to the Cheerleading Team and teachers for their hard work and outstanding performance. Let’s keep up the good work and cheer for life!


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