Coral Reefs in Australia: GBR Wood Reef 1996 Historical Archive Bruce Carlson

Описание к видео Coral Reefs in Australia: GBR Wood Reef 1996 Historical Archive Bruce Carlson

In this video we visit Wood Reef in Australia as it was back in 1996. This area, along with hundreds of other reefs, form part of the Great Barrier Reef, which is among the most extensive reef systems in the world. This footage was contributed by Bruce Carlson. More from Bruce can be found on his YouTube channel:    / @exallias1  

This video forms part of The Coral Reef Research Hubs growing historical archive of coral reef footage from around the world, both past and present. Although the archive presents non-systematic video and still records, being organised into small geographical units means generic comparisons can be made between past and present habitat states. For example, it will be possible to analyse the videos to a certain extent and quantify change in broad ecological markers such as coral cover or algae cover.

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The Coral Reef Research Hub is a career development website for a growing community of coral reef professionals, researchers and early career scientists. At the core of our Hub is a free social media style interface that allows members to network with each other, create niche research groups and facilitate collaboration. By increasing collaborative efforts among researchers from around the world it is hoped to reduce duplication of work and speed up the collection of information that will help save coral reefs. The Hub also provides career opportunity listings, publication hosting, a mentorship program, knowledge sharing master classes, a small research grants program, and more. This makes us a unique online resource whose ultimate goal is to help those working to protect coral reefs around the world achieve their career and/or research aspirations.

This channel is managed by the Coral Reef Research Hub primarily to promote member created content. We hope that you enjoy our videos and like and subscribe to our channel so you don't miss out on future offerings!    / @coralreefresearch  

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Audio and video copyrights remain with original creators and contributors. Any necessary licensing information can be provided upon request. Audio 'Droplets of Dew' was provided by


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