Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (SNES) - Final Boss and Ending

Описание к видео Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (SNES) - Final Boss and Ending

Time to struggle with horrible hitboxes.

Galbalan here isn't exactly difficult, but can be a pain due to a number of factors I'll mention.

He has 2 main phases. When he has his two arms, he'll fly around in the top of the swing, then stop and shoot fireballs that will track the ground from his arms, and then descend to try and hit you. He's completely invulnerable in this stage, you need to hit his arms first. Once you destroy both, he'll enter the second phase.

Now Galbalan will fly around, then after 5 moves he'll shoot a fireball that will cause a minor AoE on the ground. After doing this 3 times, the next time he stops he'll open his core, which is his vulnerable spot; after a second or two, he'll shoot a big beam that will cover the whole ground, then close the core and repeat. This pattern stays until his core opens 2 times; in the third time, instead of opening the core, he'll swoop down to try and hit you, then open the core (no beam this time). You need to jump and hit the core when it's open.

Sounds easy, eh? Problem is, the hit detection is GARBAGE in this game. It's extremely tricky to hit him while avoiding being hit back, and running on him does an excessive 100 HP of damage to Adol. Also, the ground is constantly moving up and down which can interfere with your jumps, making things more complicated.

You need the Power Ring to make this fight not last forever - you'll do pathetic damage even at max level and with the best equipment without it. If you don't have a ton of ring power, you can wait until the core opens to activate your ring and try to hit Galbalan, then switch it off again, since the fireball attack is extremely easy to avoid and does very little damage unless you stand in the flames. If you have an excess of ring power and Brocia Medicine to restore it, you can get away with using the Protect Ring to become invincible and hit him a few times, but damage is pitiful. Make absolutely sure you bring an herb, you'll really need it.

Also, Adol with the sigma male grindset.

Ys III: Wanderers from Ys
1992, Advanced House Communication / American Sammy
All rights reserved to their respective creators.


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