GEL7114 - Module 2.12 - Raised Cosine pulses

Описание к видео GEL7114 - Module 2.12 - Raised Cosine pulses

Digital Communications
Leslie A. Rusch
Université Laval
ECE Dept.

Module 2 gives a precise receiver structure and develops signal space analysis to quantify performance of the receiver.

In PartA of Module 2 we optimize performance by appropriate choices for various receiver blocks. We introduce the MAP and ML optimization criteria, including likelihood and a priori probabilities. We define the matched filter. We introduce signal space and use the Gram-Schmidt to find an example signal space basis.

In PartB of Module 2 we quantify the bit error rate of a binary system using signal space analysis. We examine both BPSK and OOK. Finally, we introduce Nyquist pulses to avoid ISI. We use the raised cosine pulse in a practical exercise.


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