4 Days Career Breakthrough Challenge

Описание к видео 4 Days Career Breakthrough Challenge

Day 1

Signup for 4 Days Career Breakthrough Challenge to get the workbooks for each day https://www.gkmcoaching.com/careercha...

Over these four days, we’ll dive into the exact steps and strategies you need to go from feeling under-recognized and underpaid to fully in charge of your career destiny.

Here’s What You’ll Achieve Together:

Day 1: Identifying Your Expertise – Let’s reveal the unique strengths and
expertise that make you an asset. You’re no “Jack of all trades”; this is about standing out.

Day 2: Dollar Valuation & Mindset Shift – Shift from an Employee Mindset to a Consultant Mindset and understand your true dollar worth.

Day 3: Market Research & Go-To-Market Strategy – Position yourself strategically to attract high-paying roles that recognize your value.

Day 4: Bonus Training and Q&A Session – Get personalized support to make sure you’re ready to move forward with clarity and confidence.


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