Eternals' Origins - Before The Rise of Man

Описание к видео Eternals' Origins - Before The Rise of Man

This video looks at the origins of the Eternals as laid out in:
What If Vol. 1 #24-28
Agents of Atlas Vol 1 #3
Marvel Boy: The Uranian #1-2

This is part of an ongoing series covering all things cosmic in the Marvel Universe and meant to act as a bridge between Parts 2 & 3 of my Marvel Boy series.

Edit for a more accurate timeline: Uranos ship was destroyed - Marvel Two-In-One Vol 1 #71 states, "The Inhumans . . . were given a genetic boost some 20,000 years past." I will go ahead and state that there may be additional Marvel Comics that give a different time frame. If so, please message me or comment so that I can update this section! Thanks!

One minor mistake I noticed: Near the end of the video I refer to the Native Uranians as Aboriginals when I should have said Aboriginoids.

Music by Shroud courtesy of Alex Mizell:


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