1947 Job Rated Dodge Trucks -- From the Factory to YOU!

Описание к видео 1947 Job Rated Dodge Trucks -- From the Factory to YOU!

From Something Weird Video Lifestyle USA Vol 15 https://www.somethingweird.com/advanc... What is Job Rating? (b&w) is a 26-minute sales pitch for Dodge in which a custom-designed Dodge truck is double-talked into being called "a job-rated vehicle." While most of this is the usual blah-blah-blah, it gets downright fetishistic when it travels through the bowels of an assembly line and lovingly gazes over factory parts — ooooh, look... engines... chassis... clutches — all scored to Ravel’s "Bolero!" One can easily imagine Dodge executives getting uncomfortably aroused by all this....


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