Pentatonic Pentathlon Part 2: Let It Lead

Описание к видео Pentatonic Pentathlon Part 2: Let It Lead

The second half of the original Pentatonic Pentathlon features “minor melodies” and “relative major”.


Other episodes to check out include the “Mixolydian” episode and the first “Pentatonic Pentathlon”

   • Mixolydian Moments  

   • Pentatonic Pentathlon Part 1: Far Bey...  

Track list: Purchase these important tracks wherever you buy music!!!

1. “Dream On” (Aerosmith)
2. “Breakdown” (Tom Petty)
3. “Miss You” (The Rolling Stones)
4. “Wish You Were Here” (Pink Floyd)
5. “Paradise City” (Guns N’ Roses)
6. “You Shook Me All Night Long” (AC/DC)


Special thanks to Guthrie Govan whose philosophy of soloing inspired portions of this video.

Inspiration credit also to Martin Popoff whose “History in 5 Songs” podcast helped focus my approach to finding relationships between songs.

Thank you to my son, Nate, for motivating me to finish this video!


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