Fun With With Numbers by Adding Ways to Make 5 With Insects Using a Few of the 1,000,000+ Species #5

Описание к видео Fun With With Numbers by Adding Ways to Make 5 With Insects Using a Few of the 1,000,000+ Species #5

16 Ways to Make 5 by Adding
This YouTube video gives 16 ways to make the number 5 by adding. Can you find all 16 Ways to Make 5 in this video?
[5+0], [1+4], [2+3], [3+2], [4+1], [1+1+3], [1+2+2], [1+3,+1] ,[2+1+2], [2+2+1], [3+1+1], [1+1+1+2], [1+1+2+1], [1+2+1+1], [2+1+1+1], [1+1+1+1+1].
There are 32 ways to make the number 6 by adding. There are 64 ways to make the number 7 by adding. There are 128 ways to make the number 8 by adding. Can you guess how many ways there are to make the number 9 or 10 by adding. Check out Share this information with anyone. Thanks. 1
To access a list of titles on an Excel spreadsheet of "Fun With Numbers by Adding 2023" go to the YouTube channel "Titles: Fun With Numbers by Adding 2023" at the following address:    • Titles of Fun With Numbers by Adding ...  


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