Seek & Destroy | All Tap Mode Instruments | Expert Flawless | Fortnite Festival

Описание к видео Seek & Destroy | All Tap Mode Instruments | Expert Flawless | Fortnite Festival

Seek & Destroy - Metallica
Track Speed: 1.75x

Difficulty Ratings:
Lead: 7/7
Drums: 5/7
Vocals: 3/7
Bass: 6/7

Pro Lead: 6/7
Pro Bass: 6/7

0:00 Seek & Destroy - Metallica
0:46 Intro
1:14 Verse 1
1:27 Pre-Chorus
1:42 Chorus
2:20 Verse 2
2:34 Pre-Chorus
2:49 Chorus
3:19 Instrumental Break
3:39 Lead Solo
4:58 Verse 3
5:12 Pre-Chorus
5:27 Chorus
5:54 Outro
7:01 Stats

My overdrives sucked other than Lead and Vocals. Finished these right before leaving for my quest to touch grass. Lead is awesome. I have no idea how I haven't messed up the solo in any run. I should have. That solo is stupidly fast. Anyways another great metallica song added into the game. Also I wasn't late to upload thisx. You just traveled back in time. Clearly


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