Quantum Jumping | Reality Shifting | Manifest Anything

Описание к видео Quantum Jumping | Reality Shifting | Manifest Anything

Quantum Jumping Reality Shifting Manifest Anything
#quantumjumping #quantumhealingmusic #manifestation

quantum jumping also known as quantum shifting, timeline jumping or going to parallel universes is part of the multi-verse quantum theory. Quantum Jumping is an abrupt transition of the "quantum system" which is an atom, molecule, atomic nucleus, etc from one energy level to another. In spiritual terms it can be used to shift between timelines to make your reality what you wish it to be and manifest anything you wish to change or desire.

To do this jump or shift in time, you need to use a portal, also known as doing portal work. Water is a natural portal that we can access easily. We can use the frequencies of water and quantum frequencies to help enter this portal for shifting.

Every time you make a decision your life splits in half, you can choose to go one way or the other, but the one not chosen still exists and you are able to access these dimensions through quantum shifting. When we pull upon a memory from our mind's we are essentially quantum shifting, especially when daydreaming or night dreaming. Acessing those frequencies involved in memory pulling can heighten the ability to quantum jump.

Manifestation Through Intent: 888hz
Quantum Shifting: 7hz (theta wave)
Memory Pulling Activation: 40hz

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If possibly create a Portal that works for you this could be water splashes, Mirroring, passing through doorways, candle gazing, the list Is quite extensive. Listen to this session once you have found your portal, focus your intent and make a change. For example: If using a candle, stare Into the flame focusing your intent, listen to this session once you feel a shift of energy blow the candle out abruptly.

Please do your own research on portal work.

Please wear stereo headphones with a good wide range of frequencies ( earphones will not be suffice ). Please listen on a low to medium volume. Please listen just before you go to sleep. It is recommended to use this sound healing session for 2 - 3 times for the first week and then whenever you feel the pull towards it there after.

We have a Blog post explaining in more detail why we reccomend Headphones: https://www.sound-energy-alchemist.co...

Recommended for Sound Healing Listening
Sennheiser Momentum Wireless Headphones: https://amzn.to/3BLZyNJ

Recommended 🎧︎ for ASMR
Beats Studio 3 Headphones : https://amzn.to/3BXczDZ *affiliate link
*affiliate link

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The Sound Alchemist’s products and experiences are in no way a replacement for traditional medicine. We seek to facilitate mental, spiritual and physical transformations and healing through spiritual techniques that are designed to transform states of consciousness, mindfulness and reflection.

Copyright ⓒ 2022 Mystical Moon Records. All Rights Reserved.
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