Anti-Grief System Minecraft Bedrock

Описание к видео Anti-Grief System Minecraft Bedrock

You can use this command to aid in your realms, worlds or servers! You can edit out the parameters such as the item banned to suit your needs best!

➤ Commands:
Setup A:
Repeating - Unconditional - Always Active
Execute as @a if entity @s[hasitem={item=tnt}] run gamemode 2 @s

Chain - Conditional - Always Active
Execute as @a if entity @s[hasitem={item=tnt}] run tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text":"The Player §c§l"},{"selector":"@s"},{"text":"§r Has attempted to obtain TNT!"}]}

Chain - Conditional - Always Active
Execute as @a if entity @s[hasitem-{item=tnt}] run clear @s tnt

Setup B:

Scoreboard Objective
/Scoreboard objectives add warning dummy warning

Item Detector
Repeating - Unconditional - Always Active
Execute as @a if entity @s[hasitem={item=tnt}] run scoreboard players add @s warning 1

Chain - Conditional - Always Active
Execute as @a if entity @s[hasitem={item=tnt}] run tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text":"The Player §c§l"},{"selector":"@s"},{"text":"§r Has attempted to obtain TNT!\n\n§c§lWarnings: "},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"warning"}}]}

Chain - Conditional - Always Active
Execute as @a if entity @s[hasitem-{item=tnt}] run clear @s tnt

Warning System
Repeating - Unconditional - Always Active
Execute as @a if entity @s[scores={warning=3..}] run tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text":"The Player §c"},{"selector":"@s"},{"text":"§r has been §4warned§f 3 times, and has been set to §4adventure mode!"}]}

Chain - Conditional - Always Active
Execute as @a if entity @s[scores={warning=3..}] run gamemode 2 @s

Chain - Conditional - Always Active
Execute as @a if entity @s[scores={warning=3..}] run scoreboard players reset @s warning

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➤ Commands not working? Check if something matches below!
Are the ticks the same?
Are the command blocks aligned?
Are the necessary tags, and scoreboards done?
Are command blocks enabled in your world?
Are you in bedrock edition?
Are there no other conflicting command blocks in your world?
Is your server running normal vanilla?
Are there no syntax errors in your commands?

Feel free to ask any questions or raise concerns in the comment section!

➤ Time Stamps:
0:00 Introduction

Setup A
0:36 First Command
1:07 Second Command
1:31 Third Command

Setup B
2:15 Scoreboard Objective
2:37 First Command
3:00 Second Command
3:33 Third Command
3:55 Fourth Command
4:30 Fifth Command
4:45 Sixth Command

5:18 Example Setup
6:39 End


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