TAD Talks—with guest Manjuali | Seeing the Hand of God, December 8, 2024

Описание к видео TAD Talks—with guest Manjuali | Seeing the Hand of God, December 8, 2024

Join us for our inaugural session of TAD Talks: Toward Authentic Dialogue as co-hosts Bhaktirasa and Yugala-kishor welcome senior Vaishnavi Manjuali Devi Dasi for an informal and interactive discussion on recognizing God’s active presence in our lives.

Manjuali Devi Dasi began her Bhakti Yoga journey in 1971 after meeting Krishna devotees in Chicago. She was initiated by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in May 1972 in Los Angeles. In 1976, Srila Prabhupada sent her and her late husband, Jayatirtha das, to England to manage Bhaktivedanta Manor and oversee the UK Yatra. Following Jayatirtha das’s acceptance of the renounced order in 1980, Manjuali continued serving alongside her young son in California and India.

Upon returning to the UK, Manjuali worked for many years as a Media Librarian for a national newspaper in London. Later, she moved to the southwest of England, transitioning into the fields of Psychotherapy and Counselling, where she developed training films and educational materials for an awarding body. A dedicated Bhakti Yoga practitioner, Manjuali serves her Lordships in her home ashram and remains active in interfaith dialogue, environmental initiatives, and social causes within her local community.

The name "TAD" reflects our vision on three levels: as an abbreviation of Tadatmya—as a smaller part of a larger conversation—and as an acronym for Toward Authentic Dialogue, embodying our mission to foster deep, meaningful conversations.

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