Green Bank, WV Special Singing - I’ve Made Up My Mind (6-14-24)

Описание к видео Green Bank, WV Special Singing - I’ve Made Up My Mind (6-14-24)

I've Made Up My Mind

I found myself at a crossroads
I knew the time was right
For God's Holy Spirit
Spoke to my heart that night
He showed me my lost condition
I bowed in full contrition
Now I'm in a new position
Since I've made up my mind

I've made up my mind no matter what others say
I will follow Christ and walk in His ways
Though the battle gets hard and the road is steep, that's OK
I've set my heart on becoming like Christ
Dying with Him and raised to new life
Old things of this world, I'm leaving behind, cause I've made up my mind

Trouble came running to me
so I had to make a choice
Would I run or take a stand
against this evil force
But after all God's done for me
And Jesus' blood has set me free
I choose to walk in liberty
cause I've made up my mind


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