The Gate of Elidinis //

Описание к видео The Gate of Elidinis //

Note: Since making this video, the AoE 3x3 indicators have been hotfixed so you can no longer walk one tile to avoid them. So make sure you walk *out* of the blue squares.

Items used: Mining Cape, Ring of Whispers, Legendary Quarrymaster aura, Regen bracelet, Pickaxe of Life and Death w/ Honed 6, Tagga's Corehammer, (non-Superior) Rock-crushing Scrimshaw, Gargoyle familiar w/ scrolls, Super Mining Potion, Lobsters (food) and Enhanced Excalibur (healing).

Barricade is used once, thanks to Lesser Bone Shield, to block the first (and hopefully only) 20,000 Life Point attack from the boss after the first shard dunk.

The Gargoyle scrolls are only used if I have made mistakes in the fight and don't think I'll be able to finish Mining both spots before the Pillar's begin to explode.

You don't need to repair the barricade to start, either. I just like the free XP.


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