Shaykh Aslam - Sayyiduna Bilal sees the Prophet in his dreams (emotional)

Описание к видео Shaykh Aslam - Sayyiduna Bilal sees the Prophet in his dreams (emotional)

When the Prophet ﷺ left this world, Bilal left Madinah and went to Shaam because he couldn't live in Madinah without seeing Rasulallah ﷺ. One night, he saw the Beloved who said, "Bilal you haven't visited us in so long!" He got up and tirelessly rode until he got to Madinah. When he made the adhan on that day after many years, Madinah shook and every man and woman wept in remembrance of the Habib.

When he reached, 'Ashahadu ana Muhammad... ﷺ' he fell on the floor in tears because couldn't bare to make the adhan without seeing the blessed face Rasulallah ﷺ. May Allah grant us all a drop of his love.


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