Flowers 101 — An introduction to identifying plants by their inflorescence | Gardening Australia

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People have had a fascination with flowers since history began. With around 400,000 species of flowering plants, called angiosperms, there are endless varieties adapted over millions of years.

Jane introduces us to the different ways flowers can be arranged on plants, which is a useful tool for plant identification.

One things for sure, they are not just a pretty face! Flowers are the reproductive organs of plants and they have evolved unique and beautiful forms not just for our admiration but for attracting pollinators, or to make it easier for pollen to travel by wind or water.

The size, form and colour of flowers can be useful clues to identifying a plant. Whilst there’s a few botanical terms to get your head around in plant identification, you don’t have to be a botanist to get started with observation and spotting the difference at home.

Inflorescence is the botanical term used for the part of a plant with the flowers. There are many types of inflorescences, and they are broadly classified based on how flowers are arranged or grouped and the order in which the individual flowers bloom.

1 - Solitary/single – the first type is when you have a single flower atop a single stem, that’s as simple as it gets! Think tulips, roses, or poppies.

2 - Indeterminate (Racemose) – When it comes to clusters of flowers, there are many ways that they can be grouped – learning to spot those differences helps when it comes to identification.
When flowers continue to grow along a stem with the oldest at the base and the newest at the top, it’s called ‘indeterminate’. A tip for gardeners - you’ll notice the bottom flowers dying off first on these ones, so you can deadhead individual flowers from the base, but make sure to leave the tops intact or you’ll prevent further flowers opening up!

Some common types of indeterminate inflorescences include:

Racemes - clusters of flowers that branch out laterally from a main stem, (or floral axis). Each flower has a ‘pedicel’ or individual stem. Raceme comes from the latin for a bunch of grapes, and that’s exactly how they are arranged!
Examples: Rhododendron, Tree Peony, snapdragon

Plants can also have multiple clusters on several branches and that’s when it becomes a Panicle. (a compound raceme)
Examples: Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’, Buddleja crispa (Himalayan Butterfly Bush)

A spike is similar, but the flowers have no individual stems (‘pedicels’), so they are simply spread out along a stem, with the flowers directly stuck on to the stem.
Examples: Callistemon, Gladioli

Some plants have spikes that are densely packed and don’t look like flowers at all! This is when it becomes a structure is called a spadix, which is a common characteristic of the arum family. They have a thick spike protected by a colourful spathe or bract, which is what we usually recognise the plant by.
Example: arums, calla lily, anthurium, peace lily, monstera

Umbel (umbellate) – Here you have several flower spikes of the same length all coming out from one point on the stem, which creates a curved top. The easiest way to remember this one is the shape is almost like an upside-down umbrella and you’ll see it clearly when you let parsley or fennel go to flower. There can be one flower or clusters at each end.
Examples: parsley, fennel, carrot, angelica, Fatsia japonica, geraniums

Corymb (corymbose): These can be seen on flowers such as hydrangeas, where each flower stalk start close to each other but have different lengths to even out and create a flat top. This is called a corymb and comes from the Greek for ‘bunch of flowers’.
Examples: hydrangea, Iberis ‘Candytuft’

When it comes to things like daisies with lots of petals coming out from a single centre, you might be fooled into thinking this one big flower… but it is actually tens or even thousands of tiny individual flowers all densely packed onto the same flattened stem, or flower head (or capitulum).
Example: brachycomes, asters, dahlia, waratah, sunflower, dandelions

3 – Determinate/Cymose – The third major type can be tricky to tell apart but the main difference is that each little stem ends in a flower. The flowers also develop in the opposite order, so the central or top flowers open first followed by those on the bottom or outer edges.
Examples: Aquilegia, bluebell, bougainvillea, ranunculus, ixora.

Once you’ve figured out what type of inflorescence a plant has, or doesn’t have, you can start making decisions about what kind of plant it must be, and you can also delve deeper into the flower structures, shape, and colour, to get even more insight.

Filmed on Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country in Olinda, Vic

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