Learn British English: At The Restaurant (UK) - Reservations, Booking, Ordering, Paying and Tipping

Описание к видео Learn British English: At The Restaurant (UK) - Reservations, Booking, Ordering, Paying and Tipping

Do you want to be able to go to an English speaking restaurant and know what to say (as well as what they are asking you)?

This video is to help you practice a situation before you try it in real life! Listen to this video and practice before you go to a restaurant in the UK, good luck!
You can also follow me on Instagram where you will find loads more useful videos: @learning_british_english_

Learning British English is the Free English Learning channel which aims to help you practice different aspects of the English language!

I want to give you tips, challenges and information that will help you to be a better and more natural English speaker.

Listen to me speaking, try to hear the difference in the words that I'm saying, copy the way that I'm saying them and master the pronunciation over time! 

Start slowly at first, listen as many times as you want, practice and improve a little bit every day!


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