How to Find Winning Product on Amazon UK [Step by Step in Urdu]

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How to Find Winning Product on Amazon UK [Step by Step in Urdu]

As I know New sellers are either too frisky or are too risk-averse whenever they are required to take a progressive decision. Based on your circumstances, a balance is required on the sea-saw of risk. However, I am adding some pointers for you that will act as a guiding path, just to keep you on the safe side and avoid less risk when selecting a product in Amazon UK Market.

You need data analysis in your right hand, unbiased judgment on the left and then join your hands together to make the best decision.

High Demand & Low Competition
If all the 14 points meets the product criteria then it means demand is high and it is easier to rank than other products out there with high competition.
When we say to check number of FBA sellers in top 10 - it is a way to look at competition and the number of competitors in total to analyse if this will be the right market for us to dive into. The number of competitors can reasonably be compared with the depth of the river.

Keyword Search Volume
There are several tools that are out there which share different types of data while showing keywords. We always recommend our readers to use ‘authentic’ tools and advise them to investigate how different tools are acquiring their data, however Helium 10 and JS, VL are most treatable one for now.

So one of the criteria in 12 checks the keyword fluctuation should be above 2500 which will then prove that the trends are normal throughout the year.

Product Title
You need to make sure the results which are pulling through against your keyword are relevant and the main keyword is in the title as covered up in the criteria.

Revenue Consistency
This is one of the MOST important factor to look at!

The average revenue for the targeted product niche should be more than £8,000 for top 10 sellers. if that is not meeting then you should see across EUROPE because your UK account is for Whole Europe where your product can be enable under PAN European so if total £8k revenue is consistent through PAN European then still its viable. This is an indication of the sales volume, the total market in terms of the product is currently operating within Europe.

The bigger the cake, the bigger a slice that can be cut and the bigger the bite you can take

Reviews constitute social proof, the more the merrier. Why is the number of reviews critical after all? First of all, everyone knows that Amazon has laid a strict hand on reviews lately and that raising reviews is one the difficult job itself. Unless you are glued up to a product and that you have ample time & money on you.

Light Weight
Our advice is to choose a product which is of less than 1 pound weight and does not have extraordinary dimensions so you can avoid heavy commissions from Amazon + Shipping Fees from your supplier.

Seller’s Rank
Although no one except Amazon truly knows exactly how the seller’s rank is calculated but based on experience, we can define it as a number that denotes the popularity of a product within its category. Highest the BSR of the product, higher the sales volume. We will upload BSR ranges of UK in Private Label Boot Camp Facebook Group.

You MUST avoid as your first product.

· Reviews Greater than 1,000
· Amazon, Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM), Brands
· Fragile, Glass, Ceramics Products
· Products with Multi Parts, Chess, Letter Board
· Gated Items
· Electronics & Battery Items
· Patents & Legal Issues

Hope this helps!
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