How to Fly NDB Approach with the G1000 | Cessna 172s X-Plane 11

Описание к видео How to Fly NDB Approach with the G1000 | Cessna 172s X-Plane 11

How to Fly and configure a G1000 aircraft to fly a NDB approach without ADF onboard your aircraft. It is quite straight forward using the GPS, OBS and bearing pointers to fly the approach. It is a lot easier than flying the traditional NDB approach using the older style 6 pack instrumentation with a fixed card ADF.

KUMP NDB Rwy 15 Instrument Approach Plate Download Link:
This approach plate is NOT to be used for navigation purposes. By the time you watch this video, the approach procedure may very well have changed. Always use current instrument approach charts when flying.

In reality, your unlikely to fly the NDB approach when you can fly a GPS RNAV approach into the same airport instead. However, now you know how to fly a NDB approach in an aircraft with the G1000 instrumentation.

The FAA Instrument Flying Handbook (and other handbooks) can be downloaded from the FAA website at no cost by clicking on this link:

The FAA Advisory Circular AC 90-108, Use of Suitable Area Navigation (RNAV) Systems on Conventional routes and Procedures, can be downloaded from the FAA website by clicking on this link:

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